5 Tips To Design/Renovate Your Golf Facility

Designing or renovating a golf facility can be a difficult task that requires meticulous planning and execution. From creating an enjoyable playing experience for golfers to optimizing course maintenance, there are many factors to consider when designing a golf course. In this article, we'll provide five useful suggestions that can help you design or renovate your golf facility in a way that will maximize its potential and satisfy your members' and visitors' needs.

1. Consider the Terrain, Vision, and Nature When Designing your Golf Facility

If you're considering designing a golf course or renovating an existing one, there are several key factors to keep in mind. Firstly, it's important to work closely with the owners to create a design that aligns with their vision and suits the intended purpose of the course, whether it be a private club, public course, or destination course.

The type of terrain also plays a significant role in the design process, with flat terrains like Florida posing unique challenges compared to areas with more typography. Finding a balance within the layout and determining the course's strategy are other crucial factors to consider. It's also essential to decide whether the course should be more challenging or tourist-friendly.

Keep in mind that golf course design is unique because it exists within nature, and nature heavily influences the design of the course. Unlike designing a building, golf course design relies heavily on fieldwork, which often involves frequent changes based on observations in the field.

As a result, renovating or redesigning existing courses has become increasingly popular in recent years. Trees or harsh weather conditions can significantly alter a course's layout, so it's crucial to stay up-to-date with changes and make updates as necessary. Remember that only a handful of new golf courses are built each year in the US, highlighting the importance of renovating and updating existing courses to create unique and modern designs.

Golf Facility Management | DTE Golf

2. Choosing the Right Cart Path Material

Cart paths are an essential part of any golf course, providing a safe and convenient way for golfers to navigate the course while protecting the turf. However, over time, these paths can become worn and outdated and will need to be updated eventually.

Asphalt paths are a popular choice for golf courses and can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years or even longer with proper care. However, they can be prone to cracking and can become uneven, creating a bumpy ride for golfers.

Alternatively, concrete paths are a more durable and long-lasting option, with a lifespan of 15 to 30 years. While they may require a more upfront investment, they are a more affordable option in the long run, as they require less maintenance and repair.

Regardless of the material used, it's crucial to ensure that the cart paths are well-maintained and in good condition. Bumpy or potholed paths can not only make it difficult for golfers to navigate the course but can also detract from the overall appearance of the course.

3. Maintain the Grass According to Climatic Conditions

Maintaining a healthy and attractive golf course requires attention to various factors, and one of the most crucial is the lifespan of the grass. Depending on the climate in which the golf course is located, the lifespan of the grass can vary widely. For instance, in hot and dry areas, drought conditions can shorten the grass's lifespan, causing issues throughout the course.

To ensure your golf course is in the best possible condition, it's essential to take a proactive approach to maintain the grass's health and lifespan. Regularly monitoring climate conditions, and updating any dead or damaged areas of the course are all important steps to keep your course looking and playing its best. A golf course maintenance service could offer the best solution for outsourcing this task.

While updating the grass on a golf course can be a costly undertaking, it's an investment in the long-term health and appearance of the course. By being proactive about maintaining the grass on your golf course, you can ensure that golfers enjoy a beautiful and well-maintained course that they will want to come back to time and time again.

4. Manage Your Irrigation System to Keep the Golf Course Healthy 

Without proper irrigation, maintaining healthy and lush green grass can be challenging, leading to an unsatisfactory golfing experience. To ensure that your golf course remains in top condition, it's essential to have an up-to-date irrigation system that can efficiently water the entire course. This will help to maintain the health of the grass, as well as prevent brown spots or dry patches.

If you neglect the irrigation system, other aspects of the course may suffer, including the bunkers, greens, and fairways. This can have a significant impact on the overall experience of golfers and may even cause long-term damage to the course.

Therefore, it's recommended that you regularly evaluate your irrigation system and make necessary updates, such as renovating PVC pipes and pump stations. By doing so, you can help to ensure that your golf course remains a top destination for golfers of all levels.

5. Water Frequency for Your Golf Facility

Watering is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy grass on a golf course. Generally, golf courses should be watered at least once every two days during the growing season, which typically lasts from spring to fall, and once a week during the dormant season in the winter.

However, the frequency of watering may need to be increased during hot weather to ensure that the grass receives enough water to stay healthy. This is particularly important in areas with dry climates where the grass may be more susceptible to drought conditions.

It's also essential to avoid over-watering, as this can cause root damage and lead to turf erosion. Over-watering can also create an environment that is more conducive to the growth of weeds and other unwanted vegetation.

To ensure that your golf course is properly watered, it's important to monitor weather conditions, adjust watering schedules accordingly, and use efficient irrigation systems that deliver water to the grass evenly and effectively. By doing so, you can help ensure that your golf course remains in top condition for golfers to play on.


Designing or renovating a golf facility is a significant investment that requires careful consideration and planning. By following these five tips, you can create a golf course that provides an enjoyable playing experience for golfers while optimizing maintenance and operational efficiency. Whether you are starting from scratch or renovating an existing course, these tips can help you achieve your desired outcome and make your golf facility a success. 

If you are interested in renovating your golf course, contact DTE Golf®. As an extension of our golf facility management services, we also specialize in golf course construction and design.

DTE Golf®